Chen,Ching-Yuan Painting
Chen Ching-Yuan
Born in Tainan, Taiwan, 1984
Currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan
In recent years, Chen Ching-Yuan has primarily focused on painting in his artistic creations. His works combine classical painting techniques to blur the boundaries of time, space, and identity, allowing viewers to sense scenes, events, or objects wandering between consciousness and daily reality.
Chen Ching-Yuan's works are centered around the behavior and states of characters in the painting, conveying a sense of absurdity, and capturing the collective sensibility of the shallow or unconscious. At the same time, his works also reflect a certain form of amnesia or aphasia symptomatic of contemporary life, fractured from the past, presenting a sense of modern humans' lost, lonely, and anxious emotions in a society where time and space intersect.
Chen’s recent solo exhibitions include Ship of These-us, mor charpentier, Paris (2022); Pages 2021-20, TKG+, Taipei (2021); Brick and Timber, white cube online, London (2021); Card Stunt, mor charpentier, Paris (2019); What am I ? If I cant be yours, TKG+, Taipei (2016); Un title, ITPark, Taipei (2015); (flare-s) Chen Ching-Yuan × TKG+ Projects, TKG+ Projects, Taipei (2013); Staggering Matter, TKG+, Taipei (2011) and The LiQUiD STATE, VT Artsalon, Taipei (2009).
His work has been exhibited in notable exhibitions internationally, including the Possibility of an Island- 2016 Taiwan Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
(2016); 8th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia (2015); Asia Triennial Manchester, Manchester, UK (2014); Taiwan: Asia Anarchy Alliance, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan(2014).